Spirit of the River

By Odunsini Akosua Serwaa (Velva Lawrence)

The Spirit of the River flows in, with and around time.  Time is spirit, time is energy, spirits intertwine, meet and greet. 

The Spirit of the River flows from the mountains, hills, out of the ground, to the sea: Energy tumbling, gurgling and meandering. 

The Spirit of the River teaches, teaches of unity, nurturing, life, constancy, giving, kindness, respect and humility.   When we go to the river we go home.  We are shaped water standing. The Spirit of the River welcomes us, we go in but we must listen and know when to leave.

The Spirit of the River cleanses and heals, going deep down to erode scars, pain and hurt, helps us to reclaim spirits that we dishonour and lose.

Showing unity the Spirit of the River welcomes the warmth of the sun, moves with the wind, accepts the leaves that drift down on the wind currents, holds the rocks and minerals:  All four elements working together as one.

The Spirit of the River roars and cleanses and moves – stay out.  But this very spirit lulls us to relaxation, meditation, ancestral connection.  The strength and sound of the waterfalls are hypnotising, energising and entrancing. The river cools, the river warms.  It nurtures our food, gives joy, sorrow, laughter, tears.

River Deities joined in the battle against the brutal colonisers.   To our ancestors they gave protection, escape routes, healing, survival, spiritual guidance/balance and food. 

The Spirit of the River takes offerings, has secrets and treasures.  The deities of the rivers appreciate our offerings and prayers.  They come through the Okomfo to tell me about rivers, to show me how to do offerings to the four directions, giving thanks and asking for blessings.  They told me that our ancestors came to the rivers to have a drink of water.  Spirits of the River instruct us to do baths for cleansing healing and spiritual growth.  They are here to help us to learn and grow our spirits. 

Spirits of the Rivers forgive us. We are poor guardians of your homes.  We use your resources without asking and saying thanks.  Negative energies of plastic, glass, paper, animal and human waste, sexual practices, deforestation, agriculture, impact our rivers.  River spirits are sad, the rivers are polluted, dammed, they leave.  

Water is life, life is water.