Woman talk at woman time in woman space. From the perspective and practice of our Taino ancestors Moon time, from full to new, are our feminine spaces to connect and honour that which is Sacred within us as women. Our Moon space is the time to pause and check to see how we are manifesting womanhood. We take time away from busy schedules as employees, mothers, friends, partners, to focus on our own selves, to exhale and connect with the moon energy and with ourselves. Our moon ceremonies are a time of sharing, sometimes cathartic, learning and bonding. In the moon space we lay bare our emotions, thoughts, joys and pains. We reveal our womanly inner truths, face our unmentionable fears, reveal our struggles, adjust our light and dark one self and embrace our highest divine intentions. Our moon space is a space where wisdom from the other women in the space, as well as spirit, gently teaches, soothes and comforts. It is a time to refresh our souls and reconnect with our healing and nurturing feminine energies. Using the wisdom and intuition gifted to us through our spiritual connection with the moon, we align our outer and inner selves in a courtship with the balancing of mind, body and spirit.