…Courting our Mistakes

January 2022

We spend so much time being careful not to make mistakes. To remove from ourselves these powerful avenues of exposure and learning, that, had we not shrouded and overwhelmed them in lamentations, guilt, self blaming and more, would have shared with us so many important lessons.  

What if we should take perhaps just a few moments, to become as equally careful about making mistakes as we are about not making mistakes?  Yes, I know that sounds odd. After all, making mistakes is perceived as care…less not care…ful.  But what if after the few moments, we made many of them or just enough of them? Would that propel us to welcome them with joy and thanksgiving, to walk into gratitude from the many lessons they teach and to allow them to take their rightful place among our many guides and teachers on our Earth journey?   What if we should seriously consider making arrangements to greet the impact of our mistakes just as we do to meet the impacts of not making mistakes?

What if we made a sufficiency of them to open our minds to see that they offer ‘on the life' experience and powerful reinforcement of our learnings. That they allow us to build expertise in the understanding and the exercise of the cause and effect, the wisdom of to do and its companion not to do.  That they are navigational tools.  

What if we gave ourselves permission to make mistakes? What if we banish embarrassment, shame, self negatively centred consciousness, to prepare for and greet these outcomes with interest, curiosity and readiness to be taught?  What if we were to walk with the intent to capture the lessons from the mistakes we make and permit them to walk us into better character?  What if we developed the skills of learning from our mistakes so as to elevate ourselves from the fear, uncertainty and ambiguity with which we walk when the making of mistakes is an unwelcome guest in our lives?  

They say mistakes are dangerous and may cost your life.  Living is dangerous and will cost your life. 

Just a thought……