April 10, 2022

The year 2022 greeted us with many messages.  One powerful one was the reminder that we are in a dynamic period of change.  The inevitability of change is such that if necessary, eradication would be resorted to, to open the way for change.  One of the indications of this reforming and reshaping of everything, bar nothing, on this earth space was Uranus walking into the house of Taurus with a suitcase packed with everything it needs to stay till 2026.  Other indications included the messages, some of them giving very specific advice, from our ancestors and deities.  The proof of the accuracy of these messages is very clear. Look in your own lives and at what is happening in the world we inhabit.  

We took the messages very seriously.  After all when messages from the ancestors are reinforced by deitical energies of change, who tell you they plan to be particularly active you know it is beyond serious.  When the messages mention challenges to the food supply, earth shaking, thunderstorms, increased climatic changes, death, destruction,  challenges to governments, perspectives, systems and institutions, you not only sit up and pay attention, you grab your notebook. Expected and unexpected changes they said would come, have been coming and will keep coming to establish a new status quo.

But even as our messengers have shown us our predicament they have also shared with us coping strategies.  One ancestor was very specific.  She said things will get worse before they get better.  This came at a time when we were all already at our wit’s end figuring how to deal with current conditions.  She told us, reduce your dependency on the supermarket and provide some things for yourself. If you do not have access to land use containers. Each person should plant something different and them we should exchange.    But above and beyond all, the most instructive message was that our spirituality is the single most important thing that has the capacity to ‘bubble wrap’ us during this period of change.  Some important points to ponder are:

  • What is happening in the heavens is real.
    We put ourselves as more important than and forget all about connectedness. The law of divine oneness. 
  • When you embrace spiritual perspectives you're able to be better prepared to weather the storm.  Prepare in ways that if they come suddenly, you'll be able to cope better.  Accept and integrate.
  • We walk so much with a mentality of lack. 
  • There should be a balance between rest and work.
  • We have to make changes but we also need to receive changes. 
  • Great things can be achieved this year. There will be greatness in our achievements. If we were at level 10, we gonna hit 21.
  • This year is a door opener.
  • If we aren't spiritually connected, to intuit to receive, to have our ancestors talk to us we will be like the others and be in lamentation. 
  • There is a call to be led to, and  be defended and protected by our spirituality. 
  • We have been mind body oriented for too long, now we need to reintegrate our spirit. 
  • Humility is knowing your relationship to everything around you and knowing where you fit to serve everyone and everything around you.
  • Humility says honour should be given by you to everyone and honour should be given to you by others.

How do we bubble wrap ourselves in our spirituality? Start with:

  • Studying and applying the Universal Laws
  • Connecting with and staying close to your ancestors
  • Sitting at the feet of your elders
  • Checking in with your own spirit 
  • Developing  a spiritual practice
  • Choosing a spiritual path for your deeper learning and growing
  • Participating in a spiritual community

May God and our ancestors continue to bless and guide us.