July 10, 2022

So many blessings today!   We are having AKOM because this Sunday is Kwasiadae on the Akan calendar.  A special, sacred day to take time to focus on our ancestor and deities so as to strengthen our spiritual way of living.  We come in good spirits to sing, drum, dance, give offerings, eat and make merry.  We invoke the presence of God and invite our ancestors and deities to join us in celebration.  As we sang and danced Nana Asuo Gyebi, a riverine, powerful healing deity came down with beautiful messages.  Nana Asuo Gyebi greeted everyone.  He gifted personal messages to 3 persons and then addressed us on the subject of healing.  Nana said many persons are ill because we have all moved far away from our primary healing sources and practices.  His main points are shared here.

  • Water is the source of all life. It is the healing for you. If you keep your body away from the water you will not be healed. If you bring your body which consist mostly of water to me, I will cleanse, rejuvenate, rehydrate and heal it.  When your little ‘body’ of water mixes with my big waters it dilutes in yours all the things that shouldn't be there. 
  • Clean air is the first medicine. Go out and take as many breaths as possible.  Early in the morning go out to greet to Nana Mframa (spirit of the wind/air) and ask her to expand the lungs. The capacity to carry will get more i.e your lungs will expand.
  • Fear can come form thinking we are alone.  We need to be confident knowing we are not alone as God and our ancestors are always with us.
  • We are not taking our medicine properly and so we are not well. Go out and breath until your body says stop. Tomorrow, you go and do more. 
  • Drinking more Nsuo (water). Pure clean water is the best medicine. Every illness on this earth can be cured with pure fresh water. 
  • Pray on your water. Pull the healing qualities of the water to you. Go somewhere nice and you take your big bottle of water and just keep sipping your water. Between drinking your water partake in Nana Mframa. 
  • We take responsibility to heal ourselves when we dance.  When you don’t dance you are stagnant water.  Stagnant water is not good. All kind of things that are not helpful will grow in it.  We should move.
  • In order to embrace the drum we need to open up our spirit to it. The drum (dono) is a great tool of communication.  
  • If you honour the creator why not take your medicines?

Nana Asuo Gyebi said that we are responsible for healing ourselves and that he is to help us to do so.  He said that our energy is our spirit and that we should learn to manage it to be in wellness.  He shared that some of us are carrying fire i.e. passion in our spirits but for the wrong things so that fire will burn us as we have made the choice to not heal ourselves.  He said we should develop passion/s that heal us and put us in balance.  Nana said we should call back our healers. They will keep us well. Embrace our healers.  Develop the passion for food that heals us, for music that heals us, and breath.  Get clean, fresh, pure water to heal you. There's no dying in that, it's about living. 

Not to be outdone, Nana Sankofa also blessed us with his presence.  The drummers had started some Kumina drumming and Nana gave us a beautiful lesson about the Congolese ancestors in Jamaica. 

He said,  ‘We are all Bantu people. We believe the same fundamental things about the earth and the waters. We speak different languages but the understanding is the same.  Nana said our ancestors were beyond ordinary, beyond any bounds we can imagine.   He went on to say that once someone knows about spirit and comes to spirit for assistance and still does what they feel is best based on the advice from spirit that they will have a great lesson to learn.  He said we should not think we are flying right, we should know we are flying right as we have as we have our ancestors, our own spirit and God to account to.   The spirit guides are not here to make you do or not do, we are here to guides. 

The advice of spirit is not here to be played with. It is given to see how sovereign you think you are. We want you to be in trust of the advice, not in fear.   We want you to walk in trust with your ancestors.  You want you to learn, venerate, give them honour and respect.  

The Akom closed with the sharing of food, conversation and laughter.