While we should never fail to be in perpetual gratitude for life, we should also never fail to notice that to be in gratitude for only our life/lives is unnatural. What is natural is to recognize and actively appreciate the inter-connectedness of all life, to realize that life is the most sacred blessing of all that has been created, and that is the most foundational reason for gratitude. One important act of gratitude for life then, is to extend a duty of care to all other living beings. To be mindful of how we impact the balance that creates the harmony in divine oneness and to act in ways to prevent dislocation, dispossession, imbalance in our immediate and wider environment.
Our advocacy is acts of gratitude for the life we have today and all that has contributed to it. It is also however, an invitation to examine all areas of our life to see where we need to rouse attention and make moves to correct what might have moved out of balance. It is comprised of efforts, actions to promote ideas, perspectives, thinking, actions, behaviours that foster well being for our local, national, inter-regional, international and global communities.
Let us keep providing ourselves with even more reasons to be in gratitude for life.