March 27, 2022

Make time to greet.  Never be too busy to greet.  Busy means we should be occupied taking care of self and others.  Doing something helpful…..helpfully contributing to the higher good.  Greeting is a recognition that you exist and that you do so as part of God’s creation.  Greeting is your recognition of care and respect…and thanksgiving for having others sharing this particular aspect of your life journey with you.   Many of us are not bringing consciousness to our business.  Your are busy working but never busy resting…busy being engaged in drudgery but not busy doing the activities that bring joy to our spirits.  Busy is our excuse not to talk, listen, look about or at our spiritual and physical environment. And so we do not greet..there is nothing and no one to greet.  We are busy.

But should busy not include using all the time you have to work, rest, worship?  To be guided by spirit?   How do we allow spirit in our lives when we can’t stop and listen? We are busy.  Where is our spiritual practice to provide grounding, sustain and anchor us and give us that which to call upon when we need to call upon that which is greater than self?

When we speak about spiritual practice we are talking of that ‘moment of busy’ when you pause to acknowledge the essential self, the spirit self, giving it the recognition and credit it deserves.  Being in acceptance of it, it’s purpose and what it needs to learn and grow.   Spiritual practice is a way of life but it is also that busy moment when you stop to make a more focused effort to listen to and nurture spirit.  To celebrate spirit and let it know, that you know, that when your life looks like laughter it will be there and when it looks like tears it will be there.  That when you joys are beyond measure and no one can empathise it will be to your spirit that you turn.  When  everything seems to be failing, when you feel like nobody can comfort or help or that the support you need is more than what a human can provide in that moment, it will still be there with you.  

Spiritual practice are those many separate but energetically synced moments that contribute to the business of your life. It is when you take a special moment or more, on a regular basis, to sit with your spirit self, to honour, revere, strengthen, comfort and all that it guides you to do to assist your own spiritual growth and development.  Spirit and spiritual practice holds us together when we permit them to do so.