
Sunday Morning

September 12, 2021

Opening Words

We walk with consciousness different to how we would if we were not on this spiritual path.  Claim the guidance of your ancestors, acknowledge what they do and give them credit. Make sure to call your spirits, your ancestors and divinity present, and show and express that in your journey.  Interface with your spirit in a positive way. Walk with the knowing that you are connected with each and everything with which you interact, that you are part of a whole. 

We are to be conscious of how we interface with all that is around us.  Also remember that your spirit needs a wholesome body so treat it well.

Be present and do not let life happen around you.  Manage you life and make decisions that will bring you into being.  Do not coast.  Be conscious and present, making decisions useful to you, that put you into balance and allow you to extend to others kindness,  patience, emotional sensitivity,  etc.  You will not be blindsided so much when you are present.

Ancestral Messages on Relationships

Live with self centered, so your spirit is in balance and you not being led by ego.  

There are variables in the relationship equation and they lead as appropriate.  For example in a love relationship the lead variable would differ from the professional relationship.

Evolve Self to truly represent and stand for your spirit.   

On this life journey we are highlighting energies we need.  We have a template/blueprint for our lives. However it can be modified as we go along.  

LIFE happens within a framework of relationships.  In the earth space we come in with a relationship between body and spirit.  Next we develop relationships with parents, then with nature, the food we eat, air we breath, water we drink.   Look at the nature of these relationships and their protocols. How do they serve you? How do you manage?  Are you in relationships that are helpful, nurture and help to expand your horizon?  All relationships come with lessons.  You have a say, help to manage and form your relationships, and hold their integrity.  Keep your relationships respectful; give respect by being thankful and treating them with dignity. 

Life is a composite of relationships.  At the body level we have relationships with our teeth, bones, etc.  Are we caring and nurturing our relationships?  Are we conscious of the requirement of relationships?  Relationships are to help us up.  If this is not happening how do you justify staying in a relationship?  As noted in the native American saying – When we walk away from nature we harden our hearts – and then we are not capable of nurturing each other. 

In our relationships with other animals we are to recognise that they all come with their gifts and we are no greater than them.  In our relationships with water, which we use to cleanse, wash, drink, we are to recognise that it comes to use from a great distance.  We are to go to the waters and give thanks and not show appreciation only when it undergoes contortions to come to us in pipes.

Balance in Relationships

Both sides of a relationship are to be in balance.  How do you give yourself permission to not be balanced in relationships?  Take responsibility of relationships and make sure that they are serving you well.  Bring mindfulness and thoughtfulness to relationships and make sure all involved are nurtured. Look at how each relationship is serving other relationships through which you are expressing your life.  This makes life more meaningful.

In courting balanced relationships we must see trees as living entities. We have given great importance to man/woman relationships yet they do not provide life nurturing oxygen, food, etc.  Man/woman and all other relationships are challenging to us humans.   

Love exists in all relationships.  Divine oneness mandates respect and love of God’s creations.

Sometimes we have to reshape relationships. Invite in energies that will evolve and nurture relationships.  A relationship is work and needs a maintenance plan (like a farm where you tend to, prune, water and take care of the plants). 

Know what affects all participants in a relationship and minimize imbalance.    Decide what your balance is in relation to all that touches your life.  All relationships are to ensure rounded and robust lives. Life is lived through relationships so know your spirit and the nature of relationships that nurture it. 

Be aware that relationships interact with relationships and things will happen that you could not predict.  So manage them and let relationships keep us connected.  Avoid relationships that are divisive.  Have a respectful relationship with time: Keep your promises/plans with time.  In relationships set intentions to grow and learn together.  Look at approaches useful to you.  

Our Relationship with the Environment impacting climate change

Our relationship with the environment is spoiled.  Climate change has been happening for a long while.  So why are we now having climate change issues?  Look at how our relationship with all that affects have climate have changed.

Closing Words

Remember your morning begins when you wake up. (Bini Proverb)